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Posted by phil.samways
4/30/2007  5:52:00 AM
Hi Anna
We must meet up someday because i have no problem counting beats, or dancing WITHOUT counting beats and keeping on time. I'm sure i'm not the only one.
I want to ask a fundamental question.
Let's talk simple slow waltz. How do you start counting the beats without being able to hear beat 1 in the music. And if you can hear beat 1 in the music, why do you need to count when you dance?
Posted by Anna
4/30/2007  4:55:00 PM
It is because i can hear beat one that i count it. In a competition we always start after the four bar introduction. Never in it. Made that mistake once in the Rumba. After the introduction the beats altered. Had to stop and start again. A lesson was learnt there. Start counting imediately and dont start dancing untill you are sure of the music. I suppose being bitten once twice shy. I will pay particular attention to the music being played in other events assuming that mine will be the same. So i am prepared for fast or slow tempos or whatever. One of my teachers said. The way you count to yourself is the way you will dance any particular step. If you slide through your count one so shall you dance it. There we go Rhythm. Who was it that sang. I've got rhythm i got music who could ask for anything more. It would be about 1935
Posted by Anonymous
4/30/2007  8:28:00 PM
"It is because i can hear beat one that i count it."

Can you not also hear the other beats?

If not, I guess you'll need to count.

But mostly people can hear the whole thing, at least once they learn to LISTEN.

(you can listen better if you stop talking... which is to say, counting. You listen with your ears, not your lips)

"Who was it that sang. I've got rhythm i got music who could ask for anything more. It would be about 1935"

Quick quiz, what's the time signature? Bet you get it wrong. But that's okay, it doesn't really matter. What matters is that you hear the harmonic rhythm... and this is a very famous one, called "rhythm changes" and recycled as the basis for a gazilion other pieces, written or improvised. I assure you no one soloing over that harmonic rhythm counts it... that would totally kill hte musicality. Instead, they feel it, it's like riding a bicyle.
Posted by Anna
4/30/2007  11:31:00 PM
i don't think anyone would count aloud unless recomended in training. What that does if both are counting, which is an excercise. It will makes sure both parties are stepping at the same time. It should never be visibly showing whist in a contest
Since the first time man whacked a hollow log with a stick we have had music and with that would have come movement to the beat. They most likely couldn't count and yet they could. I think you can see what I am driving at. Stepping to a beat. Take the beat away and we have nothing to step to.
Posted by Anonymous
5/1/2007  10:40:00 PM
"i don't think anyone would count aloud unless recomended in training."

It doesn't matter if you are counting silently, it will still prevent you from fully listening to the music, because you will be wasting attention on listening to your own inner voice.

"What that does if both are counting, which is an excercise. It will makes sure both parties are stepping at the same time."

Except of course in dances where you are not supposed to step on the beats. There a count won't do you much good - partnering is about feeling the same interpreation, not about the mathematics of counting beats.

"I think you can see what I am driving at. Stepping to a beat. Take the beat away and we have nothing to step to."

Not necessarily. Some dances are beat-based, but many, especially in the standard are not based on beats, instead they are based on per-measure feelings. Even when the beats are present, you don't actually dance them, instead you are supposed to dance the big picture.

For the most obvious example, thing about VW... you had better not by trying to dance the beats there, instead you should be dancing one impetus per measure. Feet are such inconsiquential, trivial little details - the dancing is not there, but in the movement of the body.
Posted by Anna
5/16/2007  7:54:00 PM
It seems to be obviouse that you have no idear how to count or listen to the music. If you can hear the beats but ignore them . Why not give a slow three beats instead of two just because you feel like it. If this music is played 28 bars per minute, I think I will spead it up with my dancing to 34 bpm because I feel like it.
You would never admitt that you go out of time. If that is so something within you is aware of the beats and is counting. It could be your partner is the brains behind this setup and keeps you on time maybe. That's counting. That's dancing.
I would shudder to think what you would do with eight bar phrased choreography. If you had a 24 bar group you would have been and already gone. Or maybe not arrived yet at the end of the 24 bars.
There are with todays music 28 bars per minute in the W. and F. So one minute thirty seconds will = 42 bars . With my 24 bar routine repeated would easily take me to end of the music. For those who dont know. in a competition the rule is set at a minute thirty seconds per heat.
Posted by Anonymous
5/2/2007  3:56:00 PM
You obviously have a problem counting the beats and transfering that information to the feet. Most people are able to do that. Some are not. Anybody who is not able to tap their fingers or hand or foot whilst sitting at a table listening to any kind of music, are in trouble.
I would ask this. One step in a piece of music which has four beats to a bar 1 2 3 4. This could be a Foxtrot with a heel lead. what part of the foot arrives on beat one and what part lowers on beat 2, The whole thing is usually called Slow And, which is two beats of music.
So there again I would ask. How is that one step divided.
If the first beat doesn't register neither will the second and from then on.
Posted by anymouse
5/16/2007  8:44:00 PM
"I would ask this. One step in a piece of music which has four beats to a bar 1 2 3 4. This could be a Foxtrot with a heel lead. what part of the foot arrives on beat one and what part lowers on beat 2, The whole thing is usually called Slow And, which is two beats of music.
So there again I would ask. How is that one step divided."

We've already been through this extensively here, but the simple answer is this:

For a slow in a well timed foxtrot, NO part of the foot is placed on beat one. Beat one occurs only a half beat (or on top dancers even less) after the ACTUAL TIME at which the preceding final quick is placed, and is far too early to be placing a new "slow" step.

If a slow, the first step is in fact placed just a hair before BEAT TWO.

(The second step is then right on beat three, and the final quick is on the and after four, OR EVEN LATER on the best dancers)

"If the first beat doesn't register neither will the second and from then on."

Flawed logic, based on a serious misunderstanding of foxtrot. The first beat isn't supposed to register, because foxtrot's classic SQQ figures are not oriented to the beats! Instead, they are oriented as a group to the measure, which is a grouping of beats. Trying to match individual steps to specific places on beats can be done as a mathematical exercise - see above - but it's pointless in terms of trying to dance.

Instead, you have to learn to feel the overall shape of the figure match the overall shape of the measure. You can't match the details because the proper relationship between the details of music and action won't make any sense at all, unless you look at the overall picture.
Posted by quickstep
5/17/2007  4:03:00 PM
You are not getting muddled here are you. That it is common among competition dancers to make the Feather Step all quicks. Beat 1. an introduction . Beat 2 first of the Feather and so on.
You said. If a slow, the first step is in fact just placed a hair before BEAT TWO. Wouldn't you call that a quick.
This is competition dancing at the highest level which you or I are not.. I would say it is a fair assumption that most here are not also. How many of these top couples do you see not doing a beat per step on any Weave. Do you see any at all that are not . It would be a bit difficult stepping in between the quicks wouldn't it.
With the top most comperitors they play about with the music in between the beats all the time. If I am told to stay on the supporting leg longer my timing is going to be different compared to somebody who is not. This will be on slows. The quicks will be right with the beat.
It might be worth while pointing out that at the highest level we will only see one Feather Step and that is at the beginning of there performance.
To recap. It is ridiculace to suggest that dancers dance the way you suggest on this site.It would seem that most are not experienced enough. which leaves us with Slow = two beats. a Quick = one beat
Posted by anymouse
5/17/2007  5:40:00 PM
"You are not getting muddled here are you. That it is common among competition dancers to make the Feather Step all quicks. Beat 1. an introduction . Beat 2 first of the Feather and so on."

You sure have a short memory! You already tried that argument not more than a few months ago, and were corrected in your flawed argument then as now. All quicks is NOT WHAT IS BEING DESCRIBED.

"You said. If a slow, the first step is in fact just placed a hair before BEAT TWO. Wouldn't you call that a quick."

No. I'd call it the proper execution of a "slow" in the dance called foxtrot.

"This is competition dancing at the highest level which you or I are not.."

Nonetheless, I'm basing my argument on measurement of the actual dancing of leading foxtrot dancers, people like ANDREW SINKINSON.

"How many of these top couples do you see not doing a beat per step on any Weave."

A series of all quicks, as in a weave, will indeed have a different step-to-beat realationship than a more common SQQ sequence would. And if you were paying more attention, you'd know that I've pointed that out this weak, as well as several other times within the past few months.

"It would be a bit difficult stepping in between the quicks wouldn't it."

No, it's fairly simple actually. The pace of a series of quicks is one step per beat-quanitity-of-time, but that does not NECESSARILY mean that one step will land squarely on each beat. And the last quick (the one preceding the slow of the next figure) of course will land AT LEAST A HALF BEAT AFTER ITS NOMINAL BEAT.

Since I know you're going to argue with that yet again, I'll just quote what Jonathan said to you last time you tried to claim that was anything other than orthadox technique:


"And who teaches that a quick, which is followed by a slow delays its placement at least a half a beat into the time of that slow."


"I hate to burst your bubble there, Quickstep, but just about everybody in the competitive dance world, dating back at least 10-15 years now."

I'd merely add that I'm pretty sure the best dancers have been doing it that way a lot longer, it's just taken time for the word of what really happens to spread - no suprise really given how fiercely some will cling to their mistaken ideas about it...

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